The Barefoot Peregrine – An Introduction

The Barefoot Peregrine – An Introduction

Hello readers!

I’d like to welcome you to my blog, and thank you for checking it out.
Why “The Barefoot Peregrine”? What is that about, you might find yourself asking? I chose that phrase for a couple of reasons.


I view myself as a barefoot wanderer, or nomad. Unfortunately, both of those titles have already been taken by other bloggers. So, to be completely honest, I turned to my old friend, the Thesaurus. And I found a word that pleasantly surprised me: “Peregrine”. I have always thought of this word as a type of falcon. And as a noun, that’s correct. But, it’s also an adjective (which I didn’t know until I was researching for this blog).
The dictionary defines the adjective “Peregrine” as:
1: Foreign, alien, coming from abroad.
2: Wandering, traveling, or migrating.

Hey! Guess what?!? That’s me!! I am a nature nut, and I enjoy a little witty wordplay now and again. I love birds of prey (including falcons). So, I saw an opportunity to creatively mix a couple of my passions, by using a seldom-used word. Deal! “Peregrine” is not often used in its adjective form today, because it’s a Late Middle English word (derived from Latin “peregrinus”, meaning “foreign”). That’s ok, I am willing to put it to good use here!

And Second:

Well, I very much enjoy travelling – especially to places that have tropical beaches. Wherever possible & safe to do so, I like to walk barefoot. Be it inland, or near a beach, I find that it helps me to feel most connected to nature. Also, it’s just more fun to walk barefoot where the waves can gently caress my feet as I stroll down the shoreline.
On that note, there’s a term that I coined: “I like to ‘get the sand between my toes’ when I travel”. To me, that means going to the quiet, out of the way places where the locals go. Doing this successfully requires getting to know the locals. I am a very relational person, so this comes naturally to me.
Don’t get me wrong, I definitely think there’s a place & time to go see some of the big tourist attractions, and I enjoy visiting them too.


The Barefoot Peregrine, in his natural habitat. I’m exploring Rainbow Beach, QLD, Australia in 2015. The peninsula behind me is called Double Island Point.


So, that’s what you can expect my blog to be about. I hope to share with you some of my adventures while travelling, and maybe on occasion – some adventures found close to home too. Along the way, I plan to share my photography with you. It is my hope that I can interest you in joining me for the adventure! I’d be honored if you would subscribe to my blog if I have earned it.








Till next time, keep dreaming big!
» Jamie


“Never let your memories be greater than your dreams” – Douglas Ivester



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