Category: Photography

Photography Travel

Our Epic Journeys on the Old Telegraph Track

The Old Telegraph Track (the “Telly Track” in Aussie slang) is what’s left of the original telegraph track that was created in the 1880s to connect Cairns with Thursday Island. It has become one of Australia’s best 4WD tracks. The Old Telegraph Track is a 350km (700km round trip) rough 4-wheel drive track that passes through […]

Photography Scuba Diving Travel

My Amazing Week Diving on the Spirit of Freedom

With a splash, I stepped off the stern of the Spirit of Freedom, into the pitch-black ocean. I had my diving “wing” (a type of buoyancy compensator) filled with air, so I bobbed on the surface until my dive buddies and our Divemaster joined me. Once we were all together and ready, we turned on […]

Photography Travel

My Colorful Aussie Outback Trip – Including Uluru

Uluru is famous for a few reasons, but the biggest is because it appears to change color at various times of the day and year. This is most visible when it glows orange at sunset and sunrise. I witnessed this phenomenon with my own eyes; it was absolutely astonishing!     The highlight of this […]

Photography Scuba Diving Travel

Throwback to Our Unforgettable Honeymoon in Cuba

How did we pick Cuba for our honeymoon? Well, we wanted to go somewhere that was new for both of us. I liked the symbolism because we were embarking together on a new chapter of our lives. We got married in July 2018 in a beautiful little country church, that turned 100 years old that […]


Spectacular Night Photography in Canada

Up until now, I have stuck to one story, or one segment of a trip, per post. With this one, I want to do something a little differently, for a couple of reasons. First, I have multiple small stories I want to tell you, but none of them are big enough on their own for […]

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